====== Customizable buttons toolbar ====== Notes: * All images must be of the same dimensions. Default images are 16x16. ===== Configuration ===== {{ buttons.png }} ==== Command ==== The command that will be executed when this button is clicked. Click 'Change' to change this. ==== Display ==== === Image === Only the button image is displayed. === Image and selective text === The button image and text is displayed when selective text is enabled. === Selective text === No image is displayed; selective text is displayed when selective text is enabled. ==== Normal and hot tabs ==== The active tab refers to the image you are modifying. The hot image is displayed on mouseover; the normal image is displayed otherwise. === Image === == Default == The default bitmap will be used for this command. Note that default bitmaps do not exist for all commands. For the hot image, this refers to the normal image. == Custom == A custom bitmap will be used. === Mask Type === The mask is used to specify which areas of the toolbar's bitmap will be transparent. == None == Select this if you do not wish to have any transparent areas, or are running Common Controls version 6 and wish to use a 32bpp bitmap with an alpha channel. == Bitmap == Select this option if you wish to use a bitmap as a mask. The bitmap must be a monochrome 1bpp bitmap. == Colour == Select this option if you wish to generate a mask from the area of the bitmap that is a particular colour. The colour you specify will be made transparent. This option is only compatible with BMP images with colour depth less than or equal to 4bpp. === Path === If you are using a custom image, this specifies the path to that image. === Mask path === If using a mask generated from a file, enter its path here. === Mask colour === If using a mask generated from a color, select the colour here. ==== Use custom text ==== Specifies that if text is displayed for this button, use this text string as opposed to the name of the command. ==== Text location ==== === Selective text on the right === Displays selective text to the right of the image, for buttons with selective text enabled. === Below === Displays text in **all** buttons, below the image. ==== Appearance ==== === Normal === Normal appearance. === Flat === Flat appearance. === No edges === Displays buttons with no padding or borders. **Note: selective text is not displayed in this mode** ==== Tools ==== === Set all buttons using mask generated from colour... === === Save to file === === Load from file === === Add from file ===