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Style script


The style string is a title formatting script that determines the colour of a cell in the playlist. The global style string is the default for all columns, but you can assign a different style string to a particular column from the columns config page.


Setting the text colour

You can set the text colour as follows:

$set_style(text,text colour,selected item text colour[,selected item text colour when window is not focused])

Setting the background colour

You can set the background colour as follows:

$set_style(back,background colour,selected item background colour[,selected item background colour when window is not focused])

Setting the frame style

You can set the frame style as follows:

$set_style(frame part,enabled state[,colour])



Note that selection colours can not be overridden if the colour mode for the playlist view is Themed in Colours and Fonts preferences. You must use the Custom or System mode to override selection colours.


The following is an example of a style string:


This string will set colours as follows: