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Playlist View Configuration


This section contains general options to customise the playlist.

Playlist view display settings

Clicking this button will display a drop-down menu allowing you to change the following items.

Playlist font

The font used to display the playlist.

Columns header font

The font used to display the column titles.

Exposed background colour

The colour of the area not covered by any tracks. The first custom colour in the dialogue is the system window background colour.

Selected item frame colour

The colour of the frame around the focused track.The first custom colour in the dialogue is the standard system frame colour.

Show ellipsis when string does not fit

Truncates clipped text with an ellipsis character. Note: This only currently works with left-aligned columns.

Enable tooltips

Show tooltip of text when mouse is over it.

Only when clipped

Show tooltips only when the text is clipped.

Auto-resizing columns mode

This resizes columns using a ratio set under columns settings. This also prevents the horizontal scrollbar from ever appearing, and resizing columns from the UI.

Show columns header

Show the columns titles.

Enable header mouse interaction

Makes the header titles act as buttons; disabling this will disable the mouse over effect when over columns, but also prevent you from clicking on them.

Sort selection only when clicking on header

Sorts only the selection when you click on a column title. Note: As a result, you cannot sort descending by clicking on column titles.

Enhanced selection model

Toggles between the enhanced selection model, and standard Windows selection model, for when selecting tracks in the playlist.

Use wheel to scroll horizontally when no vertical scrollbar

Makes turning the scroll wheel on your mouse scroll the playlist when there isn't a vertical scrollbar.

Mouse activated inline metafield editing mode

Controls behaviour for inline metafield editing activated through the left mouse button.


Disables mouse activated inline metafield editing.

Columns UI

Enables mouse activated inline metafield editing with standard Windows behaviour except that clicking on a single file out of a selection will not activate inline metafield editing.


Enables mouse activated inline metafield editing with standard Windows behaviour.

Item height

The height of each item in the playlist; this setting is relative to the playlist font's height.

Playlist edge style

Choose which frame you would like around your playlist [none, sunken (client), grey (static)].

Action to perform when doubleclicking on empty playlist area

Which action to perform when you doubleclick on an empty area of the playlist

Action to perform when middle clicking on playlist item

Which action to perform when you niddle click on a track on the playlist

columns_ui/config/playlist_view/general.1213746722.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/06/17 23:52 by musicmusic