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Globals Configuration

  • Use global variables for display
    Global variables are available in column display and colour strings.
  • Use global variables when sorting by column
    Global variables are available when sorting by column. Note: if your global string is slow to process, this will severely slow down sorting. Optimise your global string for best results.
  • Use old style global string
    Instead of using the new style where variables are set as extra items/special fields, the global string is just combined with whatever string is being processed. As a result, it is slow as it has to be processed for each column for each track, rather than once per track with the new format.
  • Square in corner
    The global variable separator character, for you to copy and paste
  • Map colour codes
    Coverts characters code 3 to characters code 10 before formatting the global string; and converts them back afterwards. This half-worksaround the colour-code separators do not work in global string behaviour, but not completely as titleformatting functions taking colour codes will not work.
  • Make date info available
    Makes %_system_year%, %_system_day%, %_system_month%, %_system_day_of_week%, %_system_hour% available in global variables string.
  • Tab: Variables
    Enter your global variables string here. For new format: Use character in corner of page for separator, multiple adjacent separators are treated as one. $char(3)s will not work because foobar don't like them.
  • Tab: Colour
    Enter yor global colour string here, in the same format as the column's colour string. If a column does not use a custom colour string this one is used.

Note: When entering new variables, the entire contents of the variables textbox is parsed by foobar2000 as a single string, then split at the $char(3)s. This means that you cannot reference the variable in later variables, but you can store information using $put and $puts.

columns_ui/config/playlist_view/globals.1111589715.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/08/25 22:58 (external edit)